How ‘Quiet Quitting’ is draining you 
Mirjam Johansson Mirjam Johansson

How ‘Quiet Quitting’ is draining you 

When your employees start quietly quitting, you're not just losing their engagement, you’re losing yourself in the process. Here is how to turn this around.

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Why Neurodivergent Thinking is Your Business Secret Weapon
Mirjam Johansson Mirjam Johansson

Why Neurodivergent Thinking is Your Business Secret Weapon

Here’s something to grab your attention:

already in 2018, Accenture released a report showing that corporations with a strategy for hiring and retaining neurodivergent employees outperformed their competitors by a staggering 28%. Not only that, but these companies became magnetic to top-tier talent. Why?

Because different brains solve problems differently.

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Becoming the Author of Your Own Life
Mirjam Johansson Mirjam Johansson

Becoming the Author of Your Own Life

The stories we tell about ourselves have a profound impact on our lives, shaping how we see ourselves, tackle challenges, build connections, and lead others. This "narrative identity" evolves from our past, present, and future experiences. It’s crucial to understand that these stories aren’t fixed; you have the power to revisit, rethink, and reshape your narrative. By doing so, you can truly transform your life, unlocking new potential and opportunities for growth.

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Lust vs. risk
Mirjam Johansson Mirjam Johansson

Lust vs. risk

Ditt huvud och ditt hjärta kommer att ställa sig vägen för att nå din lust, din passion. De är upptagna med att konstant beräkna riskerna i det du gör.

Men vi kan våga fråga oss själva ändå! Prova, vet jag. Ge Huvud och Hjärta ledigt en stund, så kan du utforska följande:

Vem är du?

Vart är du på väg?

Varför är du på väg dit?

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Mirjam Johansson Mirjam Johansson


It all begins with an idea.

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